Long Period Grating
(Wavelengths from 700 nm to 1700 nm)
Long period gratings couple light from a guided mode into forward propagating cladding modes where it is lost due to absorption and scattering. The coupling from the guided mode to cladding modes is wavelength dependent so we long period gratings can be used to obtain a spectrally selective loss.
Long period gratings have a wide variety of applications, including band-rejection filtres, gain flattening filtres and sensors.
O/E LAND INC. manufactures long period gratings, with model number OELPG-100 according to customer specifications. We also have an increasing inventory of long period gratings, off the shelf, for low cost and quick delivery.
- Non-reflecting band rejection filtre
- Bandpass filtre
- Gain flattening filtre for EDFA and Raman Amplifier
- Non-reflecting type
- Low insertion loss
- Wavelengths ranging from 700 nm to 1700 nm
- Compact
- In-fibre device
- Quick delivery time and cost effective
- Full engineering support

Figure 1: Transmission spectrum of a long period grating
To download the datasheet:click here.
Note: All specifications are subject to change without notice.
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